Archive 2018

Union of the Bulgarian Choirs



The Union of the Bulgarian Choirs is a non-profit legal entity, a non-governmental organization of the choral groups in Bulgaria. It is the successor of the Union of People`s Choirs (later re-named the Bulgarian Singing Union), established in 1926, whose chairman from 1933 to 1944 was the great composer and public figure acad. Petko Staynov.


The principal activity of the association is to carry out musical educational activities, to organize artistic events in the country and abroad, to promote choral works by bulgarian authors, as well as the world choral art; creative work in order to develop the choral ensembles and individual performers; organizing and realizing of  musical workshops, competitions, festivals and fairs, participation in projects and many others.


Members of the Union of the Bulgarian Choirs are choirs and musical activists from across the country. The union organizes "Panorama of the Bulgarian Choral Art", the National Initiative "Bulgaria sings" and regional choral reviews. The Union is co-organizer in the realization of a great  number of music festivals. Its activities are managed by a management board, which involves actively working choral conductors and public figures with relations to the choral art.



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