Sofia, 2023

"Petko Gruev Staynov" Foundation


The "Petko Gruev Staynov" Foundation, a non-profit organization achieving activities in public interest, was established in 1998 in Sofia by the heirs of the composer Petko Staynov and his close associates in order to fulfill the following purposes:

In order to achieve its goals the Foundation carries out activities in several directions:

  1. Organization of the annually held musical feasts "Petko Staynov" in Sofia with the assistance of the Union of the bulgarian composers, the National Academy of Music "Prof. Pancho Vladigerov ", Union of the Bulgarian Choirs and the Institute of Art Studies at BAS, as well as organization of the annual musical feasts "Petko Staynov" in the composer`s hometown in collaboration with the municipality of Kazanlak.
  2. Publishing activity, involving the releases of CDs and publication of printed musical scores with works by Petko Staynov; publication of books related to Petko Staynov; production of films, dedicated to Petko Staynov; maintenance of Internet sites and Facebook pages with information about Petko Staynov and the activities of the foundation.
  3. Provision of musical awards dedicated to Petko Staynov for the International May Choir Competition "Prof. Georgi Dimitrov" in Varna;  providing of awards for best performance of bulgarian choral song by a foreign choir and for the National Music Competition for High School Students, organized by the "Ekzarh Antim I" High School in Kazanlak.
  4. Scholarships offering  in collaboration with America for Bulgaria Foundation to music students with visual impairment at the specialized schools in Sofia and Varna, the National School of Music "Lyubomir Pipkov" and the Academies of Music in Sofia and Plovdiv.
  5. Provision of grants in order to support the performances of young musicians.
  6.  Provision of copies of documents from the archives of Petko Staynov as well as provision of printed musical scores with his works to students that are performing his pieces or exploring topics, related to the composer`s work.
  7. Commission of arrangements of pieces by Petko Staynov and / or new compositions, based on themes from his works, from bulgarian composers.
  8. Maintenance of  a cultural center called “Petko Staynov`s Home” in the composer`s birthplace in collaboration with the Historical Museum "Iskra" – Kazanlak, including:
© 2025 "Petko Gruev Staynov" Foundation