Archive 2018

Hristo Atanasov





Hristo Atanasov was born on 12 December 1989 in the town of Dobrich. In 1996 he began studying music in the “Yordan Yovkov” Cultural Center in Dobrich.




From 2004 to 2008 he studied clarinet in the National School of Arts “Dobri Hristov”, Varna. Following the high school graduation he was admitted in the Musical Pedagogy Department of the “Konstantine Preslavsky” University of Shumen. In the meantime he studied conducting with Prof. Veneta Vicheva.




In 2011 he wrote his first choral work “It Is Truly Meet”, which was included in the official program of the Black Sea Sounds International Festival in Balchik, 2012.




Since 2015 he has been a conductor of the Rodni Zvutzi Choir from the town of Shumen.




Vanilia Kisyova
Antonis Ververis
Sasho Tatarchevski
Milena Dobreva
Dimitar Stoyanov
Eleonora Kalaitsidou
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